2023 Election

The Louisville Professional Firefighters, Local 5194, proudly support Don Brown and Audrey Zarr for the upcoming Louisville Fire Protection District Board election. These candidates have been chosen for their support of Louisville Firefighters, their professional experience, the qualifications they bring, and their passion for serving the community. We believe these new candidates will bring fresh ideas and perspectives to the Louisville Fire District as it grows and changes. We are excited to work cooperatively with the Board of Directors to provide the best quality service to the citizens while keeping them and our staff safe.

Important Election Information

The next Regular Special District Election will be held in May 2023. Two openings will be on the board to serve a term from May 2023-2027.

The Louisville Fire District publishes election information on its website at https://www.louisvillefire.com/district-board/elections/.

Eligibility to Vote

An eligible elector for a special district election is a person who is registered to vote in the State of Colorado and is either:

  • A resident within the special district; or
  •  The owner of taxable real or personal property situated within the boundaries of the special district. A natural person who is obligated to pay taxes under a contract to purchase taxable property situated within the boundaries of the special district is considered an owner. The owner must be a natural person, not a corporation, trust, partnership, etc.; or
  • The spouse or civil union partner of the owner of taxable real or personal property situated within the special district boundaries.

Reminder to those displaced by the Marshall Fire

If you were displaced by the Marshall Fire, and are currently not living in Louisville but are rebuilding you are still eligible to vote in Louisville as long as your permanent address is still in Louisville. You will want to make sure your MAILING address is updated on your voter registration (not your residential address).

You can update your voter registration at the Secretary of State’s website here: GoVoteColorado.com Click “Find My Registration” to begin the process.

If you submitted a permanent change of address with the post office, you might have inadvertently changed your residential address for voting. Do not fret. No need to update again with the post office, simply edit your registration as noted above making your residential address your pre-fire residential home address and provide an alternative mailing address to receive your ballot. If you cannot find your registration record, try using the zip code where you are staying. If your address was updated, that will be the zip code now listed with your name.

Register to Vote

Register to vote at the Secretary of State’s website here: GoVoteColorado.com.

Local 5194 Supported Board Candidates

Don Brown

Mr. Brown has served our community since moving to Louisville in 1995 with his wife, Karen. His long community service history includes sitting on the Louisville Tree Board, the Board of Adjustments, and the Louisville City Council from 2000 to 2007. He acted as Mayor ProTem from 2005 through 2007 and was the Denver Regional Council of Governments representative from Louisville for five years. 

Don has also served on the boards for Imagine! Foundation, Imagine!, YMCA, Via Mobility Services, the After-prom Committee, and the Centaurus Home Run Club. Mr. Brown is an attorney who started, managed, and sold a mortgage technology business to a publicly listed company.

Don says he aims to learn the District’s current operational cadence and capabilities. To assess opportunities for improvement and work with his fellow board members to ensure that the District continues to provide the best possible service to our community while maintaining efficient and effective financial and management practices.

Mr. Brown can be contacted by phone at (303) 883-2537 or by email at Donpbrown2@gmail.com.

Don’s Linkedin

Don’s Facebook

Audrey Zarr

Ms. Zarr is a long-time resident of Louisville and hopes to bring a community perspective to the board. Audrey believes the needs of the Firefighters and Community are equally important and complementary. She hopes to bring her years of analytical thinking as a software engineer to assist the board and Louisville.

Audrey wants to provide firefighters with the resources and training they need to respond quickly to the needs of the citizens of Louisville. She would also help Louisville prepare for increasing dry and extreme weather conditions.

Ms. Zarr wants to contribute to Louisville to ensure we do all we can to prevent another Marshall Fire.  To ensure that if it does happen that firefighters and families have everything they need to keep themselves and the community safe.

Ms. Zarr can be contacted by phone at (303) 717-3954 or by email at audreyzarr@gmail.com.